Michelle researches and writes to connect people to the stories of their ancestors. She is also a coach for family historians who want a leg up on their genealogical journey.
As a professional genealogist, Michelle has honed her research skills to target the most appropriate strategies and sources to meet your family history goals.
Solve mysteries. Have an elusive ancestor? Or a puzzle you just can’t solve? Michelle can work from your current research, build on it, and present you with written findings on progress.
Find biological ancestors. Looking for a biological parent or other ancestor? Michelle can analyze results from DNA testing companies, integrate the findings with traditional genealogical research, and shine light on unknown relationships.
Find Seattle-area records. Michelle researches in-person in her home area, connecting clients to King County, Washington repositories.
Want to document more than just names and dates? As an experienced writer, Michelle can transform information into story, so you can share your genealogy research with your family in a format that can be easily accessed, understood, and passed on to future generations.
If you’d like to strengthen your own research, Michelle can guide you. Whether you’re stuck or unsure where to start, coaching can help you pursue your goals more productively.
Coaching sessions. Meet with Michelle to talk about the best ways for you to move forward with your research. Coaching sessions can be 30 minutes or 60 minutes. They can be booked for one time only or on a recurring basis.
Research plan. Have a specific question you’re trying to answer? Michelle can help you develop a plan of action, targeting new sources or attempting a new methodology. You can then execute the plan.
DNA tools. Learn more about how you can use your DNA results to inform your genealogical research.